Syngonium Podophyllum 'Batik' 4"

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Syngonium Podophyllum Batik in a 4” plastic nursery pot. We are so excited to have this hard to find syngonium in the shop!

Light: medium to bright indirect. Too harsh of sunlight will bleach their leaves.

Water: every 5-7days or when the top of soil is dry

Humidity: medium to high (household humidity is fine but they love a boost!)

Plant perk- natural air purifier

Plant safe: no

Want your houseplant potted into your planter of choice? Be sure to add the potting fee to the cart!

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Syngonium Podophyllum Batik in a 4” plastic nursery pot. We are so excited to have this hard to find syngonium in the shop!

Light: medium to bright indirect. Too harsh of sunlight will bleach their leaves.

Water: every 5-7days or when the top of soil is dry

Humidity: medium to high (household humidity is fine but they love a boost!)

Plant perk- natural air purifier

Plant safe: no

Want your houseplant potted into your planter of choice? Be sure to add the potting fee to the cart!

Click here to be directed to the Potting Fee

Lilac Checkerboard Planters 3" and 5"
Gridline Ceramic Pot with Saucer 4" and 6"

Syngonium Podophyllum Batik in a 4” plastic nursery pot. We are so excited to have this hard to find syngonium in the shop!

Light: medium to bright indirect. Too harsh of sunlight will bleach their leaves.

Water: every 5-7days or when the top of soil is dry

Humidity: medium to high (household humidity is fine but they love a boost!)

Plant perk- natural air purifier

Plant safe: no

Want your houseplant potted into your planter of choice? Be sure to add the potting fee to the cart!

Click here to be directed to the Potting Fee

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